I have been looking for a decent pair of speaker cables and against my better judgment I tried some SR from the cable company as well as Kimber. I've now tried some DH labs stuff including some interconnects, Stereovox interconnects borrowed from a friend. It went against my better judgment to try to the SR because I just can't go with the whole tuning bowls thing, etc. Having said all that - and six months if somebody told me I was going to spend as much as I'm about to spend on cables as I'm about to spend I would have told them they're crazy, I'm running element copper between my DAC and Calypso preamp and Atlas amp, then the element copper speaker cables. I'm getting one of the tungsten interconnects to try to before I decide to make the purchase. It just makes that much of a difference in my system. It IS like night and day against other products I've tried. There is a focus and dimensionality with the products that nothing else I've tried approaches. The all important timbre of instruments is spot on, dynamically good, could use a tiny bit tighter bass for my tastes but the cables are just flat out great. I guess I'm a convert.