Where to put my new power cable?

I just recently purchased a Zu Audio Bok power cable. This will be my first after-market power cable, so I'm not sure what to expect. I intend to use it on my front end component section. What I'm curious about is whether I should connect it directly to my Manley Shrimp preamplifier and then go to my Furman power conditioner, or whether I should hook it up to my power conditioner and then to the wall outlet? I know that, ultimately, only experimentation will tell, but I'm curious as to other's experiences...
Very funny Bojack. However, I'd hope I've yet to garner the kind of animosity that would warrant such a suggestion. Unpleasantly electrifying, I'd imagine.


I usually follow the rule preamp first. In any case, give it at least 100 hours to break in.
Bojack is correct. This issue has been discussed a lot in previous threads in the archives and there have been a lot of varying answers through the years. I'm thinking since this question has been asked a lot people didn't like the answers they got.

There are camps that have found the best power cord should go from the wall outlet to the power conditioner. Some have found they got the best improvement by putting their main music source (CDP, DAC, Record Player etc etc.) Unfortuneately you are going to have to experiment to see which piece of equipment works best with the Zu Bok. Did anyone @ Zu specify what components they thought benefited the most with the Bok power cord?

This is the stupid thing I did. I didn't want to bother with trying different power cords on different components. I didn't have the patience to keep switching out the cables so I saved money and bought multiple copies of the same power cord and used it on all my components. My source, preamp, and amp all have the same power cord. My power conditioner is an old one and already had a captive power cord so I didn't have to worry about it. Luckily it all worked out and my system sounds good to me. If it didn't I'd be screwed. Good luck with the search.
Jedinite is on the money. There's no hard and fast rule, regardless of what people say. I've bought many a very high end power cord and found the most noticeable results on the preamp, not on the line conditioner. Just break it in, and use on each one for several days to give yourself enough time to become accustomed to the sound. Then switch. The reason I say "days" is that it takes time to become emotionally connected. When you switch them around, you'll know which way affects you the most (which will usually be the path that leads to the most emotionally communicative rendering of the sound). THAT is your answer.
Many thanks folks. I did look through the cable threads previous to posting my query. The reason I posted this one was in the hopes of getting a less ambiguous answer to the question than I found elsewhere. Usually, when I research out a question, I find a sort of consensus that I can use as a preliminary guideline. In this case, opinions seem to be all over the place. As I stated in my original query, I expect trial and error to be the ultimate arbiter. Yes, I intend to let the cable burn in, then I'll move it around for best effect. I think I'll simply connect it to the wall for burn-in, but I think it might eventually be connected to the preamp directly. I'll let you know my impressions once I do.

