The best digital IC, period.

I've spent a great deal of time, too much really, to find the best IC between my transport to my DAC. After listening to six cables from some big names and big $$ as well as some not so well names for small $$. The winner came out to be a HAVE/CANARE $25 IC. With this cable there is no eye candy at all, ZED, but it's combination of GEPCO International, VSD2001 high definition 75ohm serial series digital coax, and CANARE true 75ohm RCA terminations, simply killed all of the esoteric cables with a few others coming in very very close, but the HAVE/CANARE $25, 3' was just beyond belief. Now I know that people feel strongly to use at least 1.5M in length for a DIC, but with this company I tried cables at length of 12" to 1.5M, i tried them all and the best of the buch was their standard 3' cable, defying the math. Hey, for 25$?
Sabai, one thing I have learned from reading your posts is not to believe everything you say, one reason being that you hide behind your keyboard. I am an open book with nothing to hide. Anyone can look me up through my website and can contact any of my suppliers to get the scoop. I have worked hard to earn my reputation as a straight shooter.
Hide behind my keyboard? That's a good one. A customer hiding behind his keyboard. You have an obvious ax to grind. If there are posts that should be suspect it is obviously dealer posts. And the shills they bring into the picture who remain as silent partners. You only demean yourself by trying to cast aspersions on customers. Thank you for allowing this discussion, Audiogon.
You may have worked hard to earn your reputation but I am not at all impressed with some of your posts.
Casting aspersions, Sab? Pot, meet kettle. Shills as silent partners? Wow, far out, man.