I'm guessing if they have a ground there, it is for a reason.
Someone above mentioned it will ground through the interconnects to your other components, and this is not necessarily true. Some equipment has the interconnects isolated from the metal chassis or case. So, don't think this will take care of it.
Some equipment may also have a capacitor/capacitors or other semiconductor connected from a hot 120 volt line to help reduce line noise by tying that hot line noise to the ground, or case that had a ground. If any of these parts shorted, there can be a possibility the case will have the full 120 volt line voltage. Plus, any other part mechanical failure can cause a risk, if it happens.
If this would happen, you could have 120 volts between this to any ground, or your other equipment right next to this unit, with the ground removed. In other words, yes, 120 volts between your amp and preamp, or any other equipment.
Also, to any ground your on, or any other conductive item you may touch.
In my opinion, removing any ground wire that was there always has a risk.