Clear Day Interconnects

I see Clear Day has interconnects back on the market. I really like Paul's speaker cable. Does anyone use these in their rig from when Paul sold these a few years ago? I'll probably try them out with a home demo. If they are as good as his speaker cable the interconnects should be a winner too.
I use an 8' run of his Double Shotgun speaker cable. It really is very good. The more strands, the better.

For the interconnects I made, I used two strands of Paul's silver wire for each leg of each interconnect, 2 for each pos. & 2 for each neg. as opposed to the single strand he would normally use.

This isn't the first time I've done this and I've always found the sound to be a bit fuller and weightier by going with a heavier gauge. Images are more fleshed out.
Another vote for Clear Day Cables. I own the Double Shotguns and love them. Paul is by far one of the best guys in the biz. No bull, no overpriced goods,,,just an honest guy selling a great product.

The Double Shotguns have about 40 hours on them and sound fantastic, even right outta the box.

I'd like trying two pair of Paul's interconnects to hear how they'd match.

I borrowed a friend's pair of Onda Silver Rush interconnects and loved what I heard, except the $$ is little high for me now.

Rfogel8, I wonder if doubling-up Paul's interconnects might keep my sound at or near the same level, since they're so darn good.
Rx8man, when you say doubling-up, do you mean buy a new pair from Paul, having him double the conductors? How else would you double them?

As for the couple pairs I have, they sound very similar to his speaker cables; very open and transparent, extended and smooth, with just a hint of natural warmth. I like 'em!
02-13-12: Rfogel8
Rx8man, when you say doubling-up, do you mean buy a new pair from Paul, having him double the conductors? How else would you double them?

Talking interconnects that's the only way I know, two conductors per run(+ -) same awg.