Differences between SR Tesla and Supra Sword

Both these speaker cables get consistently great reviews, and they're in a similar price range.

Can anyone speak to the (in general) differences between them, strenghts weaknesses etc?
People who are happy with Supras have not experienced top cables in a top system.
Sabai, That's a pretty strong opinion against the Supra's. Can we all be certain that you have actually heard the Supra's? I ask this, as I wonder if the hype and the price difference is "clouding" your opinion.:0(
It is VERY easy to condemn a product based on bias and inexperience, OTOH IF you have personally listened to both products and dislike one to the extent that you dislike the Supra's- well so be it....you are entitled to your opinion.
( Please remember that it is YOUR opinion and NOT necessarily a FACT of LIFE).

I have NOT heard the Supra Sword, BUT I do use the Supra Lorad 2.5 power cord with Wattgate plugs and it beat out the Shunyata Taipan Alpha Helix by a mile! In my system and IMHO....YMMV
Well, I'm still interested in some more opinions. Thanks for clarifying your's Sabai.

My interest in these two cables stems from a decent number of positive input on both, here on Agon "what cables do you recommend" threads, and positive trade publication reviews.

Basically, I'm interested in replacing my AQ Rockefeller, since several system upgrades make me feel the rest of my system has outgrown them.

I'm decided on a trial of the Clear Day dbl shotgun, and wanted input on 2 or 3 others.

I'm not looking for "what is the best" cable, I realize there is no such thing. Just which cables have potential for good synergy in my system, and, opinions on the sonic characteristics behind the recommendations.

Unfortunately I don't have unlimited funds to keep cycling through test drives so I'm trying to leverage all the experience out there to narrow the field.
I cannot say what will work in your system because it is your system and I have no way of knowing. Having used the Supra Sword speaker cables and interconnects and the LoRad and compared them side by side with some high end cables I note that the Supras have a lean, 2-dimensional quality that disqualifies them -- quickly.

If you want to call Supra high end go ahead. But what matters is the sound -- not the label. If you take a high end Synergistic Research or an ASI Liveline and A/B with the Supras you will click on SELL CABLES on Audiogon to get rid of the Supra. It's as simple as that. If the Supras work in your system then that's good. But if you put a really high end cable up against the Supras then your opinion might change -- quickly. For instance, patch in a Hologram D or an ASI Liveline in place of the LoRad and see what happens. It will only take a few seconds of the first track for your ears to decide.