Differences between SR Tesla and Supra Sword

Both these speaker cables get consistently great reviews, and they're in a similar price range.

Can anyone speak to the (in general) differences between them, strenghts weaknesses etc?
Sabai and Musicxyz, there are many opinions on the sound, or lack of, of various pieces of gear including cables. Sabai puts absolutes into his opinion and insists that because he believes that he hears a better sound that this will be a universal for all listeners. Are there better cables than the Supra's, absolutely, BUT as Audiofeil correctly pointed out, there is no absolutely no correlation between price and the sound of the product. My point is that just because Sabai says it is so, does not make it so for everyone. BTW, Musicxyz, I am a pro musician and I suspect I have a little idea as to what a live artist sounds like in my home, so making inept assumptions about other people isn't productive or accurate, just conceited-again IMHO.
Musicxyz, you hit the nail on the head. Without the politically correct IMHO after it. I appreciate your comments. I am in my 60's, alas.
Musicxyz, I haven't tested nearly as many cables as you and your friends but I am not surprised at the results you are reporting. There are very few cables I have heard that can reach you on the emotional level.

My system is unconventional in that I run IC's and PC's in series. It's a real mess but I only care about the sound. It consists of Bybee, ASI Liveline and Synergistic Research cabling and "tweaks", for want of a better word. I have found that running cables in series gives a superior result in my system. Where one cable may be very good but not in the excellent zone, two together may produce amazing results. I have discovered this through trial and error. It can be expensive but the results are stunning. I would not be able to go back to a system that uses single cables.
Daveyf,I understand your point of view but after working in recording studios and dealing with musicians for a couple of years the one statement I heard consistently from musicians was that they were deaf. This is a forum and my understanding is everyone is welcome to an opinion and this is for you; IMHO.
So Musicxyz, you are saying that all pro musicians are deaf!! You really believe that???