Your jaw dropping cables


Did you have any jaw dropping experience with any type of cable? Please refer to the cable and its predecessor (and I'm not referring just to VFM - also expensive ones count).
Signal Cable, the silver resolution series. Used to use MI330 and then tried microperl (good at short lengths) but the open transparency of these interconnects, speaker cables and power cords and their reasonable price are unbeatable.
Crimson. Beat Kimber Select (speaker and interconnect), and Nordost Tyr (speak and int)...less then 1/3 the price too.
My eye opener was switching speaker cables from Nordost Flatline II to the new Purist Audio Design Musaeus. I didn't believe the hype about cables... thought is was total BS. Convinced myself that some ICs were better sounding than others but never REALLY heard a difference. These are like a floodgate of good sound has opened. The Nordost was obviously the weak link in my system.
I recently heard a cable loom of Zensati cables at a show. The kit was good, mainly Gamut, but the sound was peretty astonishing. You can't really judge a cable under these, circumstances, but they seem quite exceptional.

Even the entry level are nearly out of my reach, but I will be trying some soon in my system.
I'm still curious how one "hears" any cable? Sure each cable will have it's own sound impression but it's so difficult to actually pinpoint the difference and then quantify.