Your jaw dropping cables


Did you have any jaw dropping experience with any type of cable? Please refer to the cable and its predecessor (and I'm not referring just to VFM - also expensive ones count).
LessLoss Anchorwave Loudspeaker Cables.

I went from Kimber 4TC to these LessLoss Anchorwaves: Jaw dropping indeed! They may be 6 times the price of the 4TC, but they perform preferably (to my ears) to even the highly praised Siltech 770L, and, the Siltech's cost almost 4 times more than the LessLoss Anchorwave cables!

I'm also a fan of their Anchorwave interconnects. A very similar story there, too.
i have heard a lot of cables. I have reviewed many. I don't find any cable that is so astounding that my draw would drop.

there have been speakers that have been amazing but not cables.
Not IC's or speaker cables but jumper connectors for my integrated. DIY using Neotech 21ga hookup wire and Neutrik/Rean RCA plugs. Plugged them in and hit play on the transport and was stopped in my tracks on the way back to my seat. Just two pieces of three inch wire and a pair of inexpensive RCA plugs. I now fully appreciate wire now. Soon I'll be ordering Neotech IC's from Take Five.
Having a jaw-dropping cable experience means the predecessor was pretty bad.