Did you have any jaw dropping experience with any type of cable? Please refer to the cable and its predecessor (and I'm not referring just to VFM - also expensive ones count). Thanks
There is a magic sonic hologram at the end of the tunnel that is thrilling when you hear it on perhaps one third of recordings. Cables are part of this. The only instance of "jaw dropping" relative to cables I have ever heard were with the first listening to the original High Fidelity CT-1 cables. The effortless and sweetness of the top end lead to the thought that these were clearly different. Watch it with these cables, however, they are a very slippery slope, as the more recent issued series are clearly better and more expensive.
agree with Tbg completely. they are the BEST cables i have ever tried. a friend tried the CT-1 and asked me how much better the CT-1U was and when i told him it was 'much better' he ordered one and now is replacing the rest of his cables with the CT-1Us. they ARE that good..
Ohlala, much depends on what this phrase means. Physically, my jaw has never dropped. Obviously, it implies a substantial improvement, meaning, of course, that the new cable must sound better than the old one. The High Fidelity cables sound completely different and better.
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