Straight XLR vs XLR to RCA adapter

I am looking for advice. Does using a RCA to XLR defeat the purpose?
My cables are RCA GA-0 and I am happy with them. But I want to try my XLR connection. I realy do not want to spend the money if possible on another pair of cables, but if I do it, it I want to do it right. Please help.

Thanks In advance.
Make a cable consisting of ONLY dozens of RCA/XLR adapters stuck together...may sound like crap, but it's interesting and allows all options...custom instantly adjustable length, satisfies your Leggo compulsions, helps train you in child anti choking first aid skills, and just shows you care. Also...this thread reminded me of a horrible Mogami Gold XLR cable experience...I can't talk about was horrible *shudders*. I now use AQ Diamondback XLRs.
Wolf are you OK? I did LOL about the connector cable but in truth it may be just as effective as some of the other fantastic cable "solutions/inventions."
Wolf, I recall your mention of that negative experience with the Mogami's in the past. In fairness, it should be said that many others have reported very positive experiences with that cable. I certainly don't doubt the accuracy of what you perceived, and I have no idea what the explanation might have been, but it should be said that your experience was atypical of most or all others that have been reported here.

Mechans, yeah, he's definitely ok :-) As you appear to realize, and as he has frequently done in the past, he just brings some much needed levity to these parts. :-)

Best regards,
-- Al
HEY...I was being serious...and yes, Mogamis usually are fine as I've used their mic cables for years. My turntable cable is weird reddish Japanese neglex and seems fine. It was odd...the Mogamis could have been made on a Wednesday, or infected with some strange Guitar Center karma, or dare I say (and who the hell says "dare I say?") COUNTERFEIT MOGAMI...made in a dimly lit sweatshop by nefarious cable fakers.