Nordost Valhalla Power Cords

.....a question directed to the owners as well as the past owners of these power cords. We do not need to get in - what will it be going on, what are the room dimensions, what music do you listen to etc, etc, etc. Just your thoughts on these power I have mine and just want to see / hear what you think.
I did test Valhalla on my Modified Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 300 poweramp (I had this amp from 1999-2008 with the Nautilus 800S from 2006 till 2008) and I did loose depth, individual focus and the low freq, were not that tight. I used The Valhalla from 2004 till 2012 on My Meridian 800 DAXV4. Here it gave very good results. On my Pass XA100.5 ( I owned this from 2009-2009) here The Purist was better overwhole. It depends about the speakers you use. Which speaker dod you use. I have a speaker ( Monitor Audio PL-200) which can give an exeptional deep and wide stage. Most speakers are not capabele of this stage. All my tets I did with Valhalla you loos depth, individual focus and invlovementy in the mid freq. This was not happening once, all tests had the same outcome. At Nordost shows I used my own cd's and I heard the same flaws. Before I put my cd in, I predicted exactly what would happen. I had a smile wenn we were listening and the Nordost people were watching me. For me it was this clear what happend. With the Purist Audio LE powercable I have bt far the best articulation of voices. At many recordings I listend hundreds one times for the first time I hear people breath in and ending all the words they sing. I heard many systems with thse cd's and never heard it this clear. Between the extreme 3d image ( 4 metres behind the speakers, about 1.5m beside the speakers and many recording play 1.5m in front of the right and left speakers) I have I get a sharp individual focus I never heard on any Nordost show are test I did with 100% Valhalla. There is a lot more definition in the low freq compared to Valhalla. In all the tests I did with Valhalla on poweramps I never was convinced. A bass drum goed deeper with the LE, but it is not only this. It is so much beter textured. I am tapping more with my feet than ever. Like the speed of the music is a little higher. All parts of the recording are superior better foccused than with Valhalla. Most important part is sound, in sound realism Nordost is not that good. Wenn I listend to 100% Valhalla there was no emotion in the music anymore. All my classical music I love I would never want to hear again. These days I played with the B&W Nautilus 800S, which was great for classical music. I hope to write my review about the LE next week with all details and used cd's.
I see you play with Burmester. I sold Valhalla to some Burmester fan's. To be unnest even with Valhalla in my esperience it is not that special. In europe all the Burmester shows are not that popular. We take a listen en walk away in 2 minutes of time. Wenn we are talking about 3d holographic image and extreemly sharp individual focus Burmester has still a lot to learn. Wenn you compare it at shows with brands like Pass Labs. There is no one who would prefer Burmester. In Holland there is even no shop anymore were you can buy it.
I always had many discussions with the people of Nordost. I was the 2nd person who bought the Valhalla loudspeakercable in Holland. There was a time I sold Valhalla powercables as candy bars. It was a great time. But I am aware of the flaws. In real a violin sounds so much warmer than what you hear with Valhalla. Even with the most warm sounding components this was still the same problem. But there is one part most people have not enough knowledge in. And that is individual focus. Voices and instruments are very small in dimension and exactley to point out were they come from. With Valhalla this never comes to the highest level what I heard. This is a key factor in realism for music. Wenn you have a system which can give a 3d holographic image you always loose depth also with Valhalla. I have done these tests many times with Valhalla. The same cd's had more depth wenn we changed an interconnect instat of the Valhalla interconnect. I am only talking about facts. Because this is how I work and think. I always say: it is as it is...period!!
@ Bo1972

I respect your opinion but I'm in totally disagreement about what you said. It's not important to mention by speaker system but I can assure that It's a fantastic and very expensive system and superior to any speaker I've heard (a lot, even over 200 Keuro loudspeaker system). Sorry but here we're talking about ultra hi-end components and I saw that you mentioned respected products that I know very well but very far from top hi-end and the sound neutrality estimated by experienced audiophiles around the globe that know really the music due to so much colored in sound and not playing music in the correct manner. A friend of mine after listening Burmester for the very first time he replaced his Pass mono Xa160.5 with german gear; another friend after listening in his system the power amp Burmester 956 Mk2 he changed his Pass X350.5. I've other examples, but It'n not important to make additional and same hystory. Everyone can listen the music in the way that coul prefer even if not in correct manner. In my experience many audiophiles gurus who write in blogs that I know very well that they can not distinguish the sound of a a Cello with the one of a Contrabass, but they evaluate hi-end components; which kind of sound evalutation you may expect from such gurus? What I can assure that in Europe and expecially around the World product like Nordost and Burmester are rightly considered Ultra Hi-End and one of the absolute best. It's definetively clear that we've completely opposite ways of understanding music and so It's confirmed by my 25 years of music played live in the best music halls around the world. The experience is knowledge and the rest is just information only.
Enjoy your review (as well as information only)!
Burmester has not a lot of dealers outher Germany and Austria. Wenn it would be a great product it would be a lot more popular. I do not say it is bad, but it is not stunning. At shows we heard many tiems to it. We never had the feeling of woooooooo. After shows we always ask clients what they liked at shows. We never heard the word Burmester. I will give you another example. A few years ago I had a client with a brand new set of Burmester poweramp, preamp and cd player. I took my Valhalla loudspeakercable and 2 Valhalla powercables with me. Wenn I connected it the overwhole sound was a lot better than what he had. But mannnnnn if this is what it is I would stop with my hobby. I would suggest him to look for a new hobby. The image was almost flat. The focus was okay but not the extreme sharp individual focus you expect and want in highend. The overwhole sound was okay but missing the emotion you would want. At the end he bought some Powercables. If you spend a lot of money on audio and you do not have a wide ande deep stage. And have not an extrem sharp individual focus. ( with a realistic proportion of instruments and voices) And a emotional sound were you want to listen for hours and hours. You miss essential parts in sound realism. For me is is this easy. Period!! Many clients with Nordost said to me: I miss the emotion in my system. And yessssss they were right. SO I had to solve this many times. All the tests we did we encouterd this problem. For me it is simple as 1 and 1 is 2. I sold a lot of Nordost, but you need to use it very precise. In everything I do in my life I look 3-4 steps further than a normal person would do. My goal is always looking for the best. I want my clients to get the best results for the money they spend. Because good is never good enough!!