Nordost Valhalla Power Cords

.....a question directed to the owners as well as the past owners of these power cords. We do not need to get in - what will it be going on, what are the room dimensions, what music do you listen to etc, etc, etc. Just your thoughts on these power I have mine and just want to see / hear what you think.


I've two (2) complete set (pc, ic and speaker) of:
- Nordost Odin and Nordost Valhalla.
@HR1, you have some great cables!,I own the competition I guess you can say,Taralabs Zero Gold,omega gold,cobalt a/c,all of it is the current top tier tara makes,thou I will inform you they are in the R&D making a new top cable that is due maybe by next years ces show,that will be an event that will send ripples thru the high-end for a long time to come!,I talk to tara,they know me on a personal level,no,i.m not a dealer,LOL!,just a listener that enjoys the high-end,i use to be in the bussiness,I have a couple of inventions for my self,I tried to go big with them but got taken on part of it,and that nearly killed my spirit when that happened,you may know the company called poly crystal resonance control that went out of bussiness a few years back,the owner was bruce badlack,good riddence!that,s the person that betrayed my trust!regarless he did not get but part of it,I was doing seminars about resonance control all over half the u.s.a.,I met alot of industry owners and c.e.o.,those were the good ole days!the mid-late ninetys,so I guess I have been doing this a very long time!my mother bought me my first high-end system when I was 12 years old,i,m 46 now,do the math,,,the reason I sharred my personnal is to let every one on the gon to get to know me,I love learning!and sharring experiences!I have listened to about everthing under the son near bout, Happy listening!
@Audiolabyrinth, have you heard Stealth Audio cables? Sakra, Indra, Dream? I ask because they share some similar sonic attributes with Tara Labs cables, IMHO.


It's very interesting your experience and your future design. I wish good luck and all the best and hoping to listen yours.

Thanks and regards.
Just today, in a good friend's system, we compared side by side the following speaker cable: Purist Audio Aqueous Aureus Versus Nordost Tyr. I premise that such system was composed with all power cables Shunyata Anaconda and the Interconnet Purist Audio Design Purist Audio Aqueos Aureus. The Nordost Tyr resulted better in all regards, especially in rhythmic, higher resolution and definition, musicality with an extraordinary amount of details, excellent low-level ambience retrieval and harmonic extensions of their natural bass and midbass. Airy soundstage with seemingly limitless depth, perfect dimension and proportion of vocalist and acoustic instrument with no electronic texture. The sound is always alive, fullness and powerfull. Superb the realism with Nordost Tyr.