Zensati Cables

A relatively new name to me. This is a range of 3 grades of cables, using silver or gold coated OHNC copper cables, from Denmark.

I went to a show in the UK at the weekend and the owner was there demonstating them with a hard disc front end, SS electronics, I'm afraid I can't remember which and Gamut speakers.

The system was unremarkable, the sound was frankly, astonishing, absolutely crystal clear. neutral, lightning fast. Most people in the room were well, astonished.

Ominously, the guy would'nt give an indication of price, partly because he was seeking a distributor at the show and he would partly set the price. I expect it will run from very expensive to HOW MUCH!

Still, in as far as you can single out the influence of cables, they seemed quite remarkable.

Anyone else heard cables from this company? To date they seem strongest in South East Asia and parts of northern Europe. I have no connection with this company.
Hi Kops

I am MOST intrigued by your comment about Vekian! I am seriously considering one...i currently have a Zanden DAC i acquired second-hand several years ago.

How does it compare to other SOTA digital you have heard? My priority is purity of tonality...and then detail/decay/dynamics. I think the Zanden offers this, but has been surpassed in detail/decay by the latest DACs and has not been a true super-dynamic champ. However, its purity of tonality to me is supreme. Thanks for any guidance!
Hi David,
Being an owner of ZenSati #3 cables on an Audio Research tube setup - I can only say that the cables are indeed fast, clear and neutral.

3m set of #3 speakercables are approx 4000 GBP incl VAT in the UK and the powercables are around 1675 GBP for 1m...
Plafitracer, That's expensive, but not an insane price. Do they have a UK distributor yet? The owner was at the recent Surret show looking for one, he said. You might have bought them from the German or Danish retailers. I know he said he was'nt interested in selling direct.
I have just got the price list from Audio Reference,the mew UK distributor. The lowest level 3 interconnect is now £2050, 2mt Speaker cable £3800, power cable £1730. Too rich for me, I'm afraid. I guess i will have to look out for 2nd hand.
Hi Lloydelee21
I think Vekian dac is the one to go after Zanden.
Very rich sounding dac and dynamic too (not so often found).
I am talking about the latest version.

@David12 please email me.