suggestions--power cords

Running Conrad Johnson ET 250 S and ET 5 with Vandersteen Quatros--currently, Mccormick DP 2 for CDs---finding issues with getting sound I like---running my Kimber Palladian to the Pre--which seems to work great--but as for the 250 S----have tried numerous combinations---Shunyata Python, Cardas Golden Reference, ---focus is good, but sound and stage is muted. Ideas? Also, could use a good reference for power cord for Mccormack---another Kimber for the 250S? Any and all input from people with similar equipment very much appreciated.
Have you tried LessLoss DFPC power cable?? This cable is incredable! On EVERY piece of equipment I've put this cable on I"ve seen a BIG improvement in sonics across the board! If you cannot afford to buy one new, ask em if you write them a review they will give you a price break on the cable. If you still can't afford em, wait til they come up used like I did. I bought one for $375 & its WORTH EVERY CENT of it!! I'm going to buy one every year til my whole system has them in it!!!
Stealth V10 Preamp cord wonderful,dynamic,quiet,great dynamic range a killer cord!!
My buddy and I tried several nice cables (JPS, Shunyata, Nordost, AudioQuest, etc.) and the LessLoss beat them all.
You might try these from Triode Wire Labs.
have tried the Golden Reference by Cardas----one of my least satisfying experiences---everything just simply sounded dumbed down---I am running Conrad Johnson ET 250 Power Amp-obviously, worse on my CJ Pre