Digital coaxial audio cable suggestions.

Suggestions for a reasonably flexible 1m long digital coaxial cable for around $200 that is well shielded from RF and sounds good? Also, where can I reliably buy the suggested cable from?
Al is absolutely right stressing importance of keeping cables short. Non-magnetic shield does not stop EMI (for instance radio waves) but induced noise travels on the outside of the cable (shield) to ground because of the skin effect. Skin effect does not work at lower frequency EMI but cable is not long enough to become antenna (1/10 of wavelength) unless you make it longer than necessary. In addition, since induced noise returns thru the shield it causes voltage drops visible as signal when shield is used as one conductor (S/Pdif). Longer shield means higher impedance and bigger voltage drops.
As usual, fantastic explanations from Al and Kijanki.
06-13-12: Mike60
What happens when you have reflections? What do you hear?
As Al mentioned, it's difficult to predict the exact audible effects of jitter for any particular system, though there do seem to be some typical effects.

I've had several opportunities to hear the effects of jitter in my system. A couple years ago, I added a reclocker (its raison d'ĂȘtre is to reduce jitter). Once or twice I reduced jitter accidentally, like when I replaced an unshielded ethernet cable with a shielded one. IME, hearing jitter is something that only happens when you REDUCE it. Anyway, here are some of its audible effects...

1. Reduced resolution
2. Shrillness in the highs
3. Fuzzy imaging
4. Unrealistic instrument timbres
5. Lack of pitch definition in the bass

I'm sure there are more effects, but those are the ones I've noticed in my system that I've attributed to jitter. Taken together, reducing jitter results in a sound that is less "digital."

Hope that helps.

I bought the DH Labs D-75 a few months ago and have been very happy with it. Great cable, great company. I was using a pure silver cable before and haven't felt the need to put it back in...yet.
I agree with the recommendation for the DH Labs Silver Sonic D-75.

An internet search will pull up several online dealers, including at least one who advertises here. You also can email DH Labs at for the nearest dealer.
I've happily been using an Apogee Wyde Eye S/PDIF for years and most times prefer it to my Stereovox XV2 -- it's a little less crisp and more natural sounding. You can get a 0.5m cable from Musician's Friend for $50 with free shipping. Best of luck.