Speaker cables of cooper, or silver :Pros/Cons

I have heard the comment many times on AG that speaker cables,and ICs made of silver sound analytical and bright whereas,cables made of cooper are smoother but less detailed,(or warmer) Is there any truth to this claim?? What about cables made of "platinum", or other exotic materials?? From personal expereince Analysis Plus Oval 12(cooper) speaker cable after a long burn-in period did sound smooth and musical. The Audio Magic Spellcaster 2 interconnect(silver) was bright, but possessed excellent dynamics and detail.
My experience has been silver provides a very dynamic fast bass. Very tight and powerful, for the most part some of the best performance I have heard. The highs tend towards a thinner, "open" sound that often to my ears is bright or biting. Midrange is often hollow in the silver I have heard, but if your looking for bass, try silver by all means, just watch out for potential long term fatigue.
To clarify: "Cooper" cables are made from solid lengths of rusty barrel hoops, look bad, mess up your floor, and sound terrible.

I just tried the most amazing cables, from a small Mexican company, family owned, called Plasencia & Hijos, (plasencia & sons) , they only make 2 types of RCA silver IC's, I have been an audiophile for 3 decades, have tried many many brands, both copper and Silver, I agree to other post regarding the overall qualities of both meta.

Until I tried the P&H Blue Silvers, very affordable price/performance ratio, they keep a minimalist approach , keeping things as simple as possible, but with some interesting approach such as solder less RCA plugs, according to their website, solder degrades conductivity and copper , no matter how pure, starts to oxyde from the day your cables are manufactured. Instead, Silver Oxide becomes a better conductor than silver it self, So in order to the signal flow properly, you got to help it by taking off the equation things such as solder.

These are the best silver IC's I have ever heard , regardless of price.