I want to make a correction, after checking the PAD website as a result of reading Sksos post I realized that my comment regarding the cables shipping from the guy's backyard was wrong. After checking the address on the web-site this clearly is not the case for PAD. BMI on the other hand is more questionable, as there is no business address just references to the company's popularity in Hong-Kong and Asia.
This doesn't change my overall disbelieve, why 10k on power cord to incremmentally improve the sound? 10k, can provide a great upgrade to pretty much any amp (or speaker or source). And if 10k is not enough to upgrade your amp because it is so high up the spectrum, then I ask why is it at the top of the spectrum, if its sound still needs to upgraded? I just don't get it?
This doesn't change my overall disbelieve, why 10k on power cord to incremmentally improve the sound? 10k, can provide a great upgrade to pretty much any amp (or speaker or source). And if 10k is not enough to upgrade your amp because it is so high up the spectrum, then I ask why is it at the top of the spectrum, if its sound still needs to upgraded? I just don't get it?