HiDiamond Power cords...

Has anyone tried the Power 3,2,1 power cords from HiDiamond. If so can you explain in best detail the qualities, strengths and which component you chose it on. I'm also curious which cords they compare to within the market.

Regards Bacardi
I tried a Hi Diamond power 3 on my P-10 home system experiment this weekend and it performed very well - even better than I thought it would.
joncourage and joeyboynj....i might be selling 2 of the HD3 pcs in the near future. i am probably going to be selling my preamp ..which uses 2 of the HD3 pcs...i should know this in about a week or so..they are both < 3 mos old and were bought from Robt.they are 2m each.
So far, my brief experience with the HiDiamond P-3s reveals the pcs to be very trnasparent, not adding nor subtracting anything from the presentation. The noise floor seems to have reduced a bit, allowing for a bit more inner detail to be revealed. Still very early, but enough positives to make a buying decision. PLUS

they don't require MPC's!!
@Calloway, I would be very interested in one of your HD3's if you decide to sell.
I;ve added a 5th HD Power 3. From my experience, these are one of the best PCs I've had in my system regardless of price with some costing 6X more.

My brother bought 4 for his Avantgarde system and it also sounds excellent.

I'm very SATISFIED with my ICs and SCs but if ever have an itch to try something new, HD will be top of the list. I've been searching for PCs with similar sonic signature to my ICs and SCs and found it in HD.

After years in this hobby, it still amazes me how a stupid PC can make such an improvement.