Does anyone answer e-mail? Hello?

I'm new to AudiogoN, having signed on to facilitate purchasing some equipment to round out a couple of my systems, as well as partake of all the experience others have. Out of the last 13 e-mails I have sent to sellers inquiring about their components for sale, exactly TWO have responded. Is this the norm for this board? If so, I'm better off on e-bay. I'm very disappointed to find that noone seems very interested in selling the equipment they list. Has this been anyone else's experience, or am I missing something here?
This is a tough time of year to do a deal in the audio biz. Some sellers are industry participants that could be working for manufacturers, distributors, or dealers. They could've be out on vacation around Christmas and New Years and out to Vegas for the big CES show. Also, while I haven't had any non-responses to ad correspondence on Audiogon, I'm sure they must occur from time to time, and you may just have had a bad statistical run. Finally, it may be that some sellers don't notify Audiogon promptly when their offering is sold or a sale is pending. Of course, they should let you know if the product is spoken for, but they would not be motivated to respond as much as if there were still a deal to be made.
Vdub, give us another chance, I always answer my emails and I must say I have had better luck than 2 out of 13. Keep trying.
I have received email for around 95% of my Audiogon inquiries for over 3 years, so something isn't right in your situation, or it's just a fluke. Vdub, some of the classiest people interested in A/V are members here, as you will see in time. Welcome. Martin
Welcome, I'm certain you'll find A'gon far more civilized than Ebay. I'm wondering, and please don't take offense...when you emailed the folks selling stuff here, was it to buy at the asking price or was it a low ball offer? Many will not respond to low-ball offers (I do, politely). One other word of advice, if you know what you want and what you're willing to pay post a wanted ad. ATB, Jeff
I have been using the A-gon site for a little over a year and although not 100%, most of my emails get answered. I also take the time to answer all emails & have started some ongoing conversations as a result.

My experiences on ebay in the past 2 1/2 years have ranged from being totally ignored to dealing with people who don't have a clue as to how a transaction is carried out. Of course I've had some great dealings but you never know what you're going to run across, either here or there.

If you stick around here for awhile you'll pick up some very good information as well as some great bargains on mostly well maintained gear. You will find most of the people are here for the same reason-a passion for audio. This includes dealers also. Do use some caution when making deals-but that is another topic. You can read through the Forum archives to find some related info.

Good luck!