HiDiamond Power cords...

Has anyone tried the Power 3,2,1 power cords from HiDiamond. If so can you explain in best detail the qualities, strengths and which component you chose it on. I'm also curious which cords they compare to within the market.

Regards Bacardi
I ordered my 4th Powercord 4. I began moving my extra Powercord 3's to my home theatre equipment.Try the Powercord 3 on the Oppo 95, quite impressive.
Finally, I am rid of all of my Synergistic Research cables.
Anyone have an extra long P3 to sell or trade for a 2m P3 + a few bucks? I need a P3 around 9 or 10 feet. My current P3 is like 6'8"
Ozzy, You took my advice and spent your kids inheritance? LOL!!!

04-07-13: Jriggy
Anyone have an extra long P3 to sell or trade for a 2m P3 + a few bucks? I need a P3 around 9 or 10 feet. My current P3 is like 6'8"
Jriggy (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

04-08-13: Bacardi
@Jriggy, that's too bad as I need about 8-8.5 feet for my sub...

Contact Robert and order any custom length.
Knghifi, Yeah the wife and kids may be disappointed, but my dog still loves me.

His favorite song is from the Beatles, "Good Morning". Before he would howl(sing)near the end when the dogs started barking. But with the P4's he will start singing at the beginning of the tune.

Each HD P4 added continues to add depth and realism that I did not think was possible.