HiDiamond Power cords...

Has anyone tried the Power 3,2,1 power cords from HiDiamond. If so can you explain in best detail the qualities, strengths and which component you chose it on. I'm also curious which cords they compare to within the market.

Regards Bacardi
Of course it is, but how so? Is the P4 just a whole lot better of the same or are there some differences in tonality/timbre, sense of presence and such, i.e., in its central defining character? I don't have any idea, but was wondering if the P3 is jacked up in terms of sense of presence to appeal to a certain price point, where the P4 tones things down a bit as part of its refinement.
To me, the P4 makes the music sound calmer and effortless. Sort of like when you hear a HI-Rez version of your favorite music.
Thanks. My concern is that the P3 + D8 IC combo has been a little edgy (about 425 hrs in on the IC and much more on the others).
@highstream, sorry for late response, I agree with Ozzy in that the P4 sounds calmer and effortless. I hear an inner delicacy with the P4 than a P3. The P4 is a few stairs up from the P3 in many many ways. But that's why it is what it is and demolishes many other cords 2-3 times it's price.
Out of curiosity have any of you compared the P-4 to the CH Acoustic X-20 power cord?
(I recently received my HD D8 speaker cables, one P-3 and should soon have one pair of 3-XLR interconnects).