Kzhtoo, I am pretty sure the HD D8 is a big step up from the NordOst Frey (is that what you use currently?). Not familiar with the Frey but having (had) Valhalla IC, some mid range NordOst SC and still a bunch of Valhalla PC which is IME the fastest kid in town, the D8 will nicely complement the P4s.
Tympani, I am very tempted to buy more P4s but will do so after a shoot out with LessLoss DFPC Ref that I just bought and maybe a Silent Source Musical Ref. Did you try any of the above mentioned ones?
Tympani, I am very tempted to buy more P4s but will do so after a shoot out with LessLoss DFPC Ref that I just bought and maybe a Silent Source Musical Ref. Did you try any of the above mentioned ones?