Speaker cables for 4 ohm speakers

Hi all !! Looking to get some pointers...I have a set of 4 ohm speakers (Tyler Acoustics Woodmere II's) and trying to find a pair of bi-wire cables that would benefit them. My run is 12 foot for both...I am using a Coda CSi Integrated amp that has a pushed bias of 45w class A to about 600 watts 4ohm rating.

Currently I am using Canare 4s11 star quad bi-wires and they lost something in the mix..My music went flat and I lost a lot of the ambiance and fullness. Still nice in the highs and very tight in the bass, but the mid is less..far less in my opinion.

Any direction of wires that would bring back this luster??? Budget in the $500 to maybe $1000, but prefer the lower amount.
Out of curiosity have you tried not bi-wiring with the Canare and just using it single wired running it at its 11 gauge when both wires are combined? At a 12ft run the extra 3ga might help. If it does you can just buy another 12 run and use it for bi-wiring. Cheap solution.

I have run Canare single wired successfully. FWIW my issues with cable has usually been a problem with the highs and lows, not so much the mid-range, when the length of the runs is appropriate.
I agree with Newbee. Try them single wired with jumpers on your speakers.

I run the same Canare 4S11 on my very hard to drive Martin Logan CLSIIA's, (these speakers will drop below 1 ohm) and they are amazing. They replaced some extremely expensive cables and I couldn't be happier. I run a 14 foot pair.