Pre/Pro in Computer Setup

At the risk of heresy, I'm considering using a pre/pro for my computer 2-channel setup. I've owned a number of DACs, both with built in preamps and without. I'm fairly well versed in computer implementation over the past 3 years of trying different equipment/etc. I've found the more I upgrade and invest, the more good recordings sound good and poor recordings sound worse.

My question is, has anyone found a good home theater pre/pro that serves great as a DAC for 2 channel playback (not one with bypass or passthrough, but one that does a great job with SPDIF into 2 channel)? I'm considering downsizing my setup by eliminating my tube DAC from the equation and retaining my Empirical Audio Offramp Turbo-3 converter and the high priced digital cabling/etc. I have a newer Rotel receiver right now and using it as the DAC/preamp it sounds reasonably good (considering the costly upstream USB conversion and cabling feeding the receiver).

I have had great success with Meridian processors for music.

I also have been very impressed with the Proceed PAV/PDSD combo that I've had since 1997. While the Proceed is not "cutting edge", it has worked flawlessly and performs extremely good with 5.1 and stereo material.

Another good solution is (was) the Linn 5103 and Naim AV2. Again, these products are not new, but they both make great "two channel" music processors.
Like you, I have a computer based setup. Also like you, I'm using an Empirical Audio component before the processor (in my case, the Pace Car 2).

I second Ballan's suggestion of Meridian. I use the G68 for both music and movies and I've been very happy with its performance for both.
I see that you are using the Pace Car in front of the G68 to clean up jitter. Have you compared the Pace Car to Meridian's HD621? From what I understand, they both clean up jitter using a FIFO and PLL.
Axle - I have not heard the HD621. In light of the fact that it uses a FIFO buffer, I would expect it to lower the jitter in the signal delivered to downstream devices. Just how much it will reduce jitter will partly depend on the quality of the clock. I don't know what clock Meridian is using in the HD621, but I doubt that it's at the level of Audiocom's Superclock 4 or Ultraclock, both of which are available for the Pace Car. I could be wrong about that.

Of course, the HD621 does lots of things that the Pace Car cannot, like decode the new blu ray codecs, which makes it interesting to me, since I watch a lot of blu rays.