Upgrade from Audioquest which is good?

I currently have audioquest type 8 biwire spade cables about 2M for a pair of speaker cables hooked up to my B&W CM1 and Rotel 1520 cd player and rotel 1520 amp. For stereo I want to change the cables because of my new apt they are too short any other brands recommended to try that would pair good without breaking an arm and leg something comparable in price to audioquest type 8 is ok. Suggestions PLEASE from newbie!!!
I just went further up the Audioquest line when I upgraded. I now use Homegrown Audio (X-32 / DNA) and like them very much but they are not what I would call inexpensive.

Do you know what length you need your new cables?

And what is the price range of the Type8's that you have?
I don't know the price of audioquest type 8's. But DH Labs makes some nice sounding, affordable cables. I have a pair of their T-14 speaker cables that I'm using in a fairly high end system.