Tara Labs cables sound

My system needs a little warmth and a smoother top end
to match my Wilsons strengths I herd Tara cables might be a good match.
I have Focal speakers which are highly detailed and can get a little too precise sometimes. I added Cardas Golden Ref, ICs and it did the trick.
Mechans, what you are listening to is phase distortion in the Focals & (happily) called it 'highly detailed'. By using Cardas speaker cables you've used 2 wrongs to make a right. Not a recommended way to setup a system but glad that you are enjoying it all-the-same.
@ Hiendmmoe, Hi, IF I can be of any service to you, just ask, I have been an avid Taralabs buyer and fan since the conception of the taralabs company, I currently own the very best of what Taralabs has to offer, I know alot about their cables, IF you need answers from me, I would need to know your complete set-up to give you a sound recommendation, cheers.
Absolutely love the sound of my Tara Labs RSC Prime 800 speaker cables but I would not characterize them as a high end or mids tamer. Very neutral but detailed with wonderful low end response.

Question for Audiolabrinth, if you're out there. Any perspective on the Prime M1 Digital balanced. I'm connecting a Musical Fidelity M1DAC and M1-CDT via the balanced digital connection.
Hi Jambalaya, I would like to know your budget, what you are willing to spend, looking at what you have available here to me, yes, the prime m1 digital will match the sound of your speaker cables you own quite well, thats if you like the sound you are getting with the speaker cables, like some cable brands, the more you move up the cable food chain, the better it gets, however, there is a sweet spot in the chain to were from there you only get 20% Incurments of improvements, Happy listening.