interconnect brand/model attributes????

does anyone know of a web site that can provide unbiased information on the sonic characteristics of different interconnects????
Well why don't you start out by telling people what your gear is, what cables you are currently using and then telling us what you think is missing. Are you looking for someting with more musicality or something with more resolution?

There is no site that has what you are asking for, just as there is no map the can tell you how to get from 'here' to 'there'. However, there are experienced people here who can help guide you, they just need to know where you are at presently and where you want to go.
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Let me be the first to say nay to the cost of certain cables. There you have it a cable naysayer albeit cost related, not a functional nay.
We need to know info about your stereo and what you dont like about your cables to be of much help to you. Unbiased information that might be hard to find? Good Luck