Here is the description that was supposed to be at the picture posted on my system page the Audiogon website cuts at a quotation mark ?
Here are some more pictures of the wire - it's definitely silver plated copper and it appears to have the right geometry and size of conductors a pair of 17 Gauge and a pair of 20 gauge labeled Treble on one side of the wire and a pair of 16 gauge and a pair of 19 gauge conductors on the other side labeled Bass - the conductors measure right sized with a caliper. On each side there are a small gauge unused white wire as well as a naked ground wire that's connected to the black lead on each end. Each side have a foil shield and the 3 filler leads between the conductor leads appears to be cotton or similar thread.
Here are some more pictures of the wire - it's definitely silver plated copper and it appears to have the right geometry and size of conductors a pair of 17 Gauge and a pair of 20 gauge labeled Treble on one side of the wire and a pair of 16 gauge and a pair of 19 gauge conductors on the other side labeled Bass - the conductors measure right sized with a caliper. On each side there are a small gauge unused white wire as well as a naked ground wire that's connected to the black lead on each end. Each side have a foil shield and the 3 filler leads between the conductor leads appears to be cotton or similar thread.