Cables ... what's up with them?

Can't quite come to terms with spending significant amounts on cables / interconnects. Looking for moderately priced IC's, I came across Phantom Cables (at; $100 for 3 ICs). Figured had to sound better than the stuff that came with the cable box and DVR I bought. A marked downgrade in audio enjoyment transpired. Which is true?

Better cables revealed weaknesses elsewhere in the system?
Have to spend WAY more to get real improvement?
I have gritty tastes

Right now I'm sold on the crap that came with the cable box

Didn't read the whole thread, but FWIW, many people in the industry (for instance Robert Harley, editor of TAS) recommend spending no more than about 5% of your total system budget on the cabling. While they can make a difference, every other part of the system will make much bigger differences in the overall sound.