Value Power Cords- LessLoss or Triode Wire Labs?

I'm trying to gradually upgrade my system with some new /used power cords in the $400-$500 range. LessLoss and Triode Wire Labs cords seem to get great reviews. Has anyone tried them both and have any thoughts on either? Also other possible suggestions in this price range? Thanks for any help
I haven't tried the Less Loss, but I have tried many others, like MAC's, Kaplan's, Asylum cord, and a few of the other large, well known companies (to remain nameless here).

To keep it short, my system now consists of Kaplan's and TWL power cords. Foster is correct, one cord may not work best in all places. You need some trial and error and comparisons to find what works and sounds best to you on any given piece of equipment. But I can say that the TWL cables have sounded great in the vast majority of places I used them. And for the cost they are a steal.

I believe they also offer a return guarantee, but I doubt he gets many (if any) back.
Try to find a used Kubala Sosna Fascination power cable.These frequently appear at around $300 and make heck of a value (mainly for sources and preamps).
Lessloss cords have been compared favorably to the MAC HC. I use the MAC HC on my tube amp but replaced th MAC I was using on my phono preamp. I use the Soundstring Digital now.
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