Value Power Cords- LessLoss or Triode Wire Labs?

I'm trying to gradually upgrade my system with some new /used power cords in the $400-$500 range. LessLoss and Triode Wire Labs cords seem to get great reviews. Has anyone tried them both and have any thoughts on either? Also other possible suggestions in this price range? Thanks for any help
Lessloss cords have been compared favorably to the MAC HC. I use the MAC HC on my tube amp but replaced th MAC I was using on my phono preamp. I use the Soundstring Digital now.
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Pete of TWL will give you a trial period. I recommend trying them out! I use Kaplan, TWL and Sablon...

Trying to decide between 2 power cords for a CD transport,(head about to explode) will upgrade transport down the road. Amp, ATI 6000 2 channel (2 Cullen cables for same,requires 2) Pre Amp Benchmark LA-4 (Anti-cables power cord) Meitner DAC MA1-V2 (triode wire labs (11Plus) All balanced except current transport.

Cable choices at this time,(don't want to spend a ton (less than $500) best for the money Triode wire labs 11plus, digital American?  or Dh Labs power plus or power plus CRYO?  Doesn't  necessarily have to go on transport, can switch around. (Transport currently running stock cable   Thanks as usual. Robert TN

@robshaw I use Nordost Heimdall 2 on my streamer with great results. It should work just as well on the CD transport. Find a used one it should be within yiur budget + - few dollars.