Best Power Cord with CD Player-

McCormack DP2--matched with Conrad Johnson (power amp and pre), power conditioner, and Vandersteen Quatros--Question: have not found a power cord to tame down some of the "brightness" I find in system-my current mix of power cords are just too much for CD player or Phono-they are fine for Pre or Power Amp, but with CD Player they clamp down pretty much on the sound---I simply want a nice cord that is clear, clean but takes some of the "edge" off--not dumbing down the sound or blurring distinctions---but some finesse. I am sure somebody out there has plenty of opinions--
In my experience, the Cardas Reference really tamed the top end on an Arcam Alpha 9. It was not a particularly good cord on my integrated amp (did not do much for the dynamics, unlike something like a TG Audio cord) but it was lovely on the CDP.

In my experience the original power cord that was selected by the engineer that designed the CD player works the best.