Your thoughts please

I have a 10 year old Acurus a250 amp...great amp...with plastic screw-down caps on the speaker connection posts. An audio salesman told me not to get spades because the connection would not be this true? The banana "hole" in the plastic cap doesn't accept the full length of my bananas so I had to get a step down this not a desireable way to connect cables to the amp? Should I just go with bare wire? Am I making too much of this? Thanks.
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I had a similar problem with my Yamaha M60 amp. The spades were too large because the connector were very close together. I ended up using bare wire and / or 'pin' connectors. Sometime I broke the pins if I screwed the plastic down too tight. Great amp, and the main reason I don't use it is because of the speaker cable connectors! That sucks. That's one of the main things I look for in amps now.
You don't need neither spades or bananas. Them only for convenience. For performance use naked wire.
@ Maraknetz: I have often wondered about this: "For performance use naked wire". In other words, the bananas or spades are simply for ease of use? I thought the ends made for a better contact but perhaps you are right.
You have to be careful though, when you say "You don't need neither" it is a double-negative which technically means you are saying that you need both! You don't need EITHER is what you meant to say! (I'm not the grammar police but I thought I should point that out!)