Speaker cables or interconnects??

Speakers: Spendor A6
Amp: Musical Fidelity M6i integrated
CD: Cambridge Audio azur C350
Turntable: Pro-ject Xpressions III
Cables: Audioquest Evergreen interconnects, Monster XP speaker wire

The Monster Cable sounds pretty good but highs are a little bright and mids slightly forward. I've tried DH Labs T14 and Blue Jean Cable and the DH sounded a little bright and "thin". The Blue Jeans Cable highs were smooth but the mids were a bit recessed.

Here's my question ......would I be better off keeping the interconnects consistent and trying to adjust via speaker cable? That's my current thinking. Any suggestions on a step up speaker cable that is just plain flat. Any guidance on the Cardas "Neutral" speaker cables. Any other recommendations, thoughts or suggestions are appreciated.
The Az's are opening up as I am listening, it's amazing why just a little burn in is doing. Even more depth and sounds as though has added vertical dimension as well. I'm really gonna enjoy these.
i've been happy with my santori shotguns for a long time now. thinking you will be too.
This might be my issue: I simply might need more time on my AZ cables. I've been thinking of switching cables but what you are stating here makes sense to me. Interesting post.
Hard to put a number but my guess-timate is about 200 hours. I like the sound, don't get me wrong; but I am still not 100% satisfied for some reason. I came on Audiogon a few months ago trying to put things together. Followed a couple of advices. Tried a few other cables thanks to the generosity of the person that sold me some of the gear I have. Recently got in a heated debate over another brand because I didn't find it as marvelous as other posters. Ended with the conclusion that there is obviously good and bad advice here. Some of the bad is simply self-promotion by some people selling the products.
Don't want to go back on that issue.
So, in your opinion, Jambalaya, do I need a few more hours before I make another cable change to my system?