Has anyone heard the Stage III Kraken power cord

I am using Stage III Minotaurs now and was thinking of upgrading to the Kraken. I use the Minotaurs on a BMC AMP C1 and also a BMC BDCD 1.1 cd player and am very curious about the Kraken. My speakers are the SalkSound HT2-TL'S with Acoustic Zen absolute speaker cables.
Hi, How does the stage III kraken power cord compair to the BMI oceanic power cord?
Audiolabyrinth, if this question is asked of me, all I can say is that I had not heard of it. I do know that High Fidelity Cables will soon be releasing their power cord using magnetic conduction.
@ TBG, Hi, Thanks, The question on the above post is for anybody that can give the comparisons, I think the two power cords in my post are quite the Heavy Hitters of today,I own the Taralabs cobalt power cord that I believe is in the heap of best available, I do not think the Tara would be as good as the two power cords I mentioned, However, At $5,450.00 for 6-foot is doing real good to be in the same conversation as the other power cords that are $11,000.00 for 6 foot, They should be better, you think, LOL!
Hey Tbg, sorry - just getting back to the post. I was wondering about the Dragon power cords - they too look like a well made cord. I figured that it might be good to stick with HB's own cords to their own box. What is it about that darn "box" anyway... It's just grounding and I guess it balances the voltage/ohmage to each outlet. I just can not understand how that strip can make such a difference in sound quality!