Has anyone heard the Stage III Kraken power cord

I am using Stage III Minotaurs now and was thinking of upgrading to the Kraken. I use the Minotaurs on a BMC AMP C1 and also a BMC BDCD 1.1 cd player and am very curious about the Kraken. My speakers are the SalkSound HT2-TL'S with Acoustic Zen absolute speaker cables.
Tbg or Keith,

tell me more about the Dragon, triton & Marble Powerslave pc?
This is nice to elaborate on everything else, However, This thread is about the stage 3 concepts kraken power cord that I would very much want to know about, I look forward to everyones impressions in detail, so far, its been outstanding!
Tbg. Interesting.... I'm a fan of John Tucker/Exemplar Audio. I will have to explore his power cords!

Jafant and audiolabyrinth I don't have much more to add from what I said before - the cords are magic - depth and timbre accuracy! I was amazed. I could/would never afford to buy that expensive of a PC (the Kraken) but who knows....I’ve said that before…. and if Stage 3's new line (less money) doesn't have the magic I may have to just start working toward the Kraken. I certainly hope not because I will need many of them. I'm hoping to get a good amount of the magic that I heard in my system from the Kraken - in the lower cost "new line". Power cords are a big deal! I had no idea! I am slowly working on “getting my power right” as Brian Ackerman says. He also says -“Get the power right and the rest will follow” – sounds like a title of a good movie! And it’s the damn truth. Get the power right first - I had no idea!