Has anyone heard the Stage III Kraken power cord

I am using Stage III Minotaurs now and was thinking of upgrading to the Kraken. I use the Minotaurs on a BMC AMP C1 and also a BMC BDCD 1.1 cd player and am very curious about the Kraken. My speakers are the SalkSound HT2-TL'S with Acoustic Zen absolute speaker cables.
@ Boeing, you are welcome, I enjoyed your last post as well, I run a full loom of Taralabs best cables my self with NO having to chase the cables by the tail syndrome of mixing cables., Bravo!
Not to derail this thread but I'm looking at Stage III power cords for my for Atma-Sphere M60 monoblocks. The problem is that the Kraken is waaaaay to expensive for me, (I was hoping to get something in the $700'ish range). I see the Stage III vortex for sale at the moment, (a little more than $700), and was wondering if anyone on this thread could speak to how that particular Stage III cable would sound relative to it's much more expensive siblings?

Thanks very much.
Bhoage, I thought at first that the new Triton $6k or Tritian $3k might be your answer, but all that I can say is that I heard the Kraken versus the previous Magnus and it made that cable sound broken immediately.
@ Tbg, Hi, Do you know someone that can help find some answers for Bhoage?, It appears that somebody on this thread may be of help?
Audiolabyrinth, frankly there are so many cables on the market that I rely on scuttlebutt to learn of what is new and interesting. Furthermore, with tastes being so different, I doubt if anyone really takes others' opinions to heart. I don't, with the exception of a handful of people who I trust given prior experience.

There is the Cable Company with their library. I also remember when Siltech first can here and their power cord was blown out of the water by a Radio Shack powercord which they reverse engineered and redid theirs to sell at ten times the price.