it seems that transparent cabling is very expensive from top to bottom.can any one tell me what is the most expensive part of the cable,the cable itself or the network.most cable companies talk about the materials and construction of their cables but transparent only tells you how they can they justify the cost?
As above Ricred1,

the system in which I had true Audio bliss, consisted of,
Wilson Sophia/Sasha (newest)
Audio Research CD5
Audio Research pre-amp
Bryston 3SST power amp
Transparent OPUS cables/cords
Transparent power conditioners
Bass Traps and the like acoustic treatments.
Try Purist much better value

My friend sent me pics some time ago when he opened one of their expensive cables. He is in computer business and knows Belden cables very well. Guess, what he found?

I agree, the most expensive part of a cable is Marketing. I know Audiophiles who can't sleep well when they can't spend min. 8k for a meter.
"Try Purist much better value"

"My friend sent me pics some time ago when he opened one of their expensive cables. He is in computer business and knows Belden cables very well. Guess, what he found?"

Uh, a computer?