Anyone try Supra LoRad 2.5 PCs?

I'm thinking of giving these a try as I'm still using stock power cords (I know, I know). I'm sure there will be an improvement but wondering if anyone has tried these and how they may compare to some other PCs out there. As always, thanks for thoughts.
In my personal experience (although peeps might not agree?)I have gotten more dramitic results on digital and pre-amp products than amps when changing pc's. I don't know why seeing as they draw less power, just my experience... If I were in your position, I would take a long look at Pangea pc's from the Audio Advisor. (not affilitated) It seems there are a large number of happy users here on A'Gon, and they are right in line with your budget.
Soix, I'm using a Lorad 2.5 attached to my Rowland model 8. It's an excellent power cord and far superior to the Shunyata Diamondback that I was using before. However,I do think it is important to use a better plug than what Supra my case, i am using the Wattgate plugs.
Soix and Daveyf,
I only use Oyaide plugs and IECs with Supra LoRad. I tried the Supra plug and IEC. The sound was as poor as the quality.
Thanks guys. So, what I'm thinking is that I want something a little beefier for my SS amp that puts out about 125W. I'm considering getting a 5 foot run of DH Labs Power Plus (7 bucks per foot) for my amp since it might appreciate the added bulk, and then get two runs of LoRad 2.5 (about 5 bucks per foot) for my pre and DAC. I'll be buying some Wattgate plugs to attach to all of them (Oyaide just not in the budget right now), but given the small price differential should I just do all DH Labs for all three or would that be unwise or overkill? Do you think the LoRads might sound better for the preamp and/or DAC applications? Any other cables I should consider here that might substantially better these for a few bucks more? I'm sure they'll all be an improvment over stock cords, but while I'm doing this I might as well maximize whatever I'm getting out of it.

By the way, it seems really easy to terminate your own power cables if you have a small screwdriver and only takes like 20 minutes or so per cable. And looks like it costs something like three times the price to have a company terminate them for you (i.e. I can basically build a $210 PC for 70 bucks). I know labor is a major cost factor, but at this point in my understanding this seems a little out of whack given the simple labor involved and maybe a fairly well-kept secret in the audio industry, no? Thanks again for all your help and thoughts.
Soix, my Rowland puts out 250 watts/ch. Can do 25 watts/ch pure class A and therefore it draws.. the Lorad works VERY well with this amp ( make sure you get the Lorad 2.5 and NOT the smaller version). BTW, the amp needs a 20 amp iec and the Wattgate that I use is the same model that Nordost uses on their Brahma.