Synergistic Research Comes Down to Earth

I just read some of the RMAF reviews. Since I live overseas I don't get to shows and am envious of those who have the opportunity to do so. I noticed a big difference in the Synergistic Research room this year versus last year.

In 2011 Synergistic Research chalked up a grand total of nearly $150,000 for their system with about $40,000 of that dedicated to their own equipment and cables. It must have been a pretty impressive sound. This year their room chalked up only about $25,000 with about $13,000 dedicated to their own equipment and cables.

Synergistic Research has really come down to Earth. I wonder how the 2012 system sounded compared to the 2011 system. One thing that I am pondering is the $1,500 Nola speaker in a $25,000 system. The Nola is supposed to be an impressive speaker but I wonder about the sonic attributes of a $1,500 in a $25,000 system. Can anyone report on the Synergistic Research room and the Nolas?
I have not tried the new Element series so I cannot comment. But I can comment on your statement, "It really opens up the Powercell 10 SE the way you guys been hearing that conditioner is holding your system back." I can comment here because I own the Powercell. The fact that the new cord opens up the Powercell is an admission that the Powercell holds back the system, which is what I have recently discovered in my system. If you recognize that the new cord opens it up I must assume that SR recognizes this, too. Which means they realize that the Powercell holds back the system -- despite the assertions on their site written before the introduction of the new cord.
@Sabai, your comment makes 100% sense. I will later take everything out of the Powercell and reconnect the cords to a power strip and see how that sounds...
I'd be interested in hearing the results when you take out the PowerCell. There was absolutely no doubt that the sound opened up -- in my system. The Powercell was choking it off. I connect everything to my Bybee Stealth now and the system hums. But I will be experimenting with removing the Bybee -- eventually, when I get a power strip -- just to hear what the system sounds like without it.
I must say with all due respect to both Sabai and others who have said that the Powercell "held back" their system I have found the opposite. I have very good equipment both now and over the years. I have also heard several highly respected Power Conditioners and The Powercell MK II SE is the ONLY one that not only OPENED my system but did no harm in the $5,000 and under range. Anything much higher and I want to choke. I own the MK II SE. I am not saying you are not hearing what you hear. However I know Sabai has stated he has tried tweaking so is it possible anything you have done caused a change in the Powercell over time. I do not just mean a permanent change but a temporary change in the sound induced by some sort of change in the Cell. If left off and disconnected from the wall for a few days and put back in your system do you still hear the same. Or maybe it is permanent.
I agree that most Cable Companies and Power Conditioning Companies are WAY over priced. But at least Synergistic includes a great power cord with the Powercell. EVERYONE else wants you to buy one of theirs so now you can add $2,000-$3,000. And if they include one it is not the best. Now I am talking about what has been. I do not know what Synergistic is doing with the introduction of the new cabling yet.
Sabai, I don’t agree with your comments about the Powercell 10 SE. And Hifial, I agree with your comments. This is what I was able to conclude when I removed the Powercell from my system. The Powercell is only as transparent as the power cord that it is plugged into. In this case the new Element Copper/Tungsten Power Cord is far more transparent then the Precision Reference AC cord it replaces. Nothing more, nothing less. The Powercell in my system does not hold anything back. It increases dynamics in my system. I got my powerful Audio Research Dsi200 integrated amp plugged into it. The DSi200 delivers 200 WPC continuously into an 8-ohm load and 400 WPC 4-ohm load. And I don't have any problems.

In addition, Synergistic Research won 2 Best in Show at RMAF with a small down to Earth system. That alone says to me Synergistic Research knows what they are doing and their products are top notch. Yes, their products are expensive. In my system, I enjoy their products very much. I’m not going to bash a company because they come out with new products every so often. I prefer a company that continues to do research and comes out with new concepts and technology. They sure are consistent to produce products that are innovative and interesting and seem to not to hold back on their constant pursuit to come out with new and improved gear.