Synergistic Research Comes Down to Earth

I just read some of the RMAF reviews. Since I live overseas I don't get to shows and am envious of those who have the opportunity to do so. I noticed a big difference in the Synergistic Research room this year versus last year.

In 2011 Synergistic Research chalked up a grand total of nearly $150,000 for their system with about $40,000 of that dedicated to their own equipment and cables. It must have been a pretty impressive sound. This year their room chalked up only about $25,000 with about $13,000 dedicated to their own equipment and cables.

Synergistic Research has really come down to Earth. I wonder how the 2012 system sounded compared to the 2011 system. One thing that I am pondering is the $1,500 Nola speaker in a $25,000 system. The Nola is supposed to be an impressive speaker but I wonder about the sonic attributes of a $1,500 in a $25,000 system. Can anyone report on the Synergistic Research room and the Nolas?
11-09-12: Bacardi
@Sabai, your comment makes 100% sense. I will later take everything out of the Powercell and reconnect the cords to a power strip and see how that sounds...
Bacardi (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
But of course ... blind leading the blind. LOL!!!!!
The sighted leading the sighted. There are many users who are taking the Powercell out of their systems and who are finding the exact same thing -- that the Powercell was actually choking off the sound where this was not initially apparent. It is easy to mistake increased focus and refinement for an improvement to the overall sound. One always has to measure initial impressions against later observations once the system settles in and our perceptions of sonic attributes change along with those system changes.

You may note that I did not find it necessary to punctuate my comments with an inane LOL -- an emphatic expression certain posters use who have opinions about things they have not personally experienced. My comments actually stand on their own two feet -- without any emphatic expressions needed.
My outcome on the disconnection of my Powercell 10 SE proved that it did restrict dynamics,detail and even volume for sacrifice of a little deeper and wider soundstage. otherwise, I will give it more time to settle and give a final conclusion.
This change showed me just how the HiDiamond cords do just by-themselves creating a phenomenal sound with no gimmicks, tricks, enhancements. just straight- up HIDIAMOND........simple...
Our approach is 180 degrees different. I believe simpler the better, less is more, no cable is the best cable ...

The Powercell choked off the sound when I ran it in series with the Bybee Stealth. On its own it did not appear to constrict the sound until I compared it with the Stealth.
You can also conclude the Stealth is the one that is constricting if running separate did not appear to constrict???

Majority of components are not designed to use in a series. It's logical (to me anyways) that the more you add to a chain, the more it will constrict/alter and I bet if add enough, you will hear NOTHING. You are basically using these products in a series as tone controls.

When I spent big $$ for a VAC, Hegel, Pass ... I want to hear what the designers hears and not some altered manipulated sound.

Personally I don't like active PCs. They seem to alter the sound in an unpleasant and unnatural way and constrict dynamics. I finally ended up with a passive Weizhi PRS-6 that restores the natural tone and doesn't constrict dynamics/current. I also use one for my amps.

Like I said before, you do what sounds best to you but IMO, you are wasting lots time and $$.
@Knghifi, would you say that is true about S.R Powercells. They are actively shielded too?