Kimber with MIT ?

I currently have my system hooked up with all MIT AVi 1 interconnects and old Terminator 2 biwire speaker cables.
I've tried about every speaker cable under $ 5-600 $ range in last twenty years except Kimber.
I'd like to go all in(for an old retired teacher)on new speaker cables.
Any thoughts as to whether Kimber 12TC would sound better than MIT cables available under $1500 or so, like CVT2, Shotgun S3.3 or AVT MA ? 80% classical,19% jazz, 1% motown

Modded PAS 3 or EE minimax
Odyssey amp
CA 740 CD
NHT 2.5 i speaks( a great speaker on classical)
Wow we have just about the exact set up. I'm using a denon 4802 as pre amp. Have stratos plus for mains and odl for rears. All 2.5i's Denon powers audio center 1 and 1.5's for surround backs. Got 10ft pair of single wire Mit cvt 2's off ebay for 438.00. That stratos plus never put out bass like this before. Not just in authority but finesse too.
Wow ! Tycob, I just finished ordering an 8ft bi-wire set of CVT2 and a 1m Cvt2 IC !!
I'd love to hear your impressions of the MIT CVT 2 cables. I'm looking at interconnects now to go with my MIT speaker cables. There is a lot of talk about matching interconnects and speaker cable within the same brand adding synergy. I don't know about that but probably designed using the same philosophy.
OK.Jam , will arive next Wend per FedEx, I'll run'em a few days and let ya know.