Kimber with MIT ?

I currently have my system hooked up with all MIT AVi 1 interconnects and old Terminator 2 biwire speaker cables.
I've tried about every speaker cable under $ 5-600 $ range in last twenty years except Kimber.
I'd like to go all in(for an old retired teacher)on new speaker cables.
Any thoughts as to whether Kimber 12TC would sound better than MIT cables available under $1500 or so, like CVT2, Shotgun S3.3 or AVT MA ? 80% classical,19% jazz, 1% motown

Modded PAS 3 or EE minimax
Odyssey amp
CA 740 CD
NHT 2.5 i speaks( a great speaker on classical)
Cvt2 biwire and IC pretty well broken in , What I hear,over my old T2's- is a greater sense of solidity and coherence to the music, esp. complex music like symphony, and a much greater seperation between intruments and lines . Also, a more "refined" sense of tone in both bass and highs, not as big a diff in mids.
Biggest change is usually a 3-d "holigraphic" image with rock solid spatial location, T2 would do this once in a while, CVt2 more often than not, not being not recorded in 1st place.
Keep in mine T2's had already bested the wires I had enough of for a complete stystem hookup, "loom" some call it. That inclused Straightwire, Morrow, AudioArt, MAC. Wireworld. DH Labs, HarmonyTech and Mapleshade.Middle grades of all lines. DNM reson is my next fave SC but I have none of their IC's.
All in all, I find it $850 well spent !
Good news Schubert! MIT bass is exacting. When it is on the recording and goes deep you know it and feel it, no regular thumping. I added a pair of CVT-1 balanced IC's from my DAC to integrated amp and noted increased spacial presentation as well. Detailed highs but with the correct timbre, the bit of roughness in reeds and horns, the sounds that make each instrument different.
I tried the Digital Shotgun for a week on loan but couldn't justify the difference from some less expensive Kimber DV30 so I have a MIT AVt1 digital cable on the way for my CD to DAC connection and see what all MIT sounds like. I'm pretty much done with cables so its on to room acoustics now for tweaking.