Power Cords - Just Say Yes

I'm the biggest cable skeptic on the planet. I've never been able to tell the difference between one speaker cable over the other. I've never a/b tested because I just can't handle that sort of thing when all I want to do is listen to music. The power cord however is a whole different beast. I know. I just replaced a 18/3 that was powering my Rogue Cronus Magnum for two years with an Audioquest NRG4. I know some people aren't fans of AQ but that's what my local guy sells and I support him 100%. He sold me a broken in demo which is exactly what I wanted. I didn't do an a/b test and I didn't have to. I pulled the old one out and tossed it in the copper recycling pile and replaced it with the AQ. I fired up my amp this morning and let her warm up. I pulled out Sylvain Luc & Bireli Agrene's 'Duet' and hit the play button on the remote. Right off the bat I had to blink my eyes to make sure I was actually in my house. Everything tightened up with a dead silent background. I feel like a fool for waiting so long to come around on this one. I'm still skeptical of whether or not I will notice a difference when I replace the power cord to my CDP, but if you tell me I'll notice I might believe you. Either way, that's my next investment.
You are the newest poster boy for Getting Over the Pride and Trying Cables.

Your frank admission is helpful for several reasons; one is that you admit pride played a central role in preventing you from actually trying a comparison. It should be obvious that when one merely listens to different systems in different environments it is impossible to tell the role cables play. ONLY by A/B comparison - which as we have been saying all along, it's not necessary to do so in a blind test as the results are strikingly obvious - in the same rig can one hear the difference and find out that not only are power cords, but ICs, Digital cables, and speaker cables capable of such dramatic changes to system sound.

Now, just imagine if other hard-headed skeptics softened their arrogant attitude enough to actually TRY some different cabling. The audiophile world might become a better place in many ways. :)

Donjr, welcome to the System Builder club! You now are on the road to much better sound and a far more lovely experience.

The sad thing is that for some people the price of experimentation has to be virtually nil before they are willing to entertain a change. I will simply say that being cheap holds back one's rig FAR more than most think. This is one of the reasons why I say, "The greatest impediment to building an audiophile system is the audiophile."

Donjr, now, let's reason a bit. You just have heard for yourself how PC effects amp/pre. Trust me; EVERY wire in EVERY spot effects a system's sound. What are you waiting for? Put the new PC on the cdp. You'll hear a different presentation simply by moving the PC from amp to cdp.

In my experience moving PCs from amp to cdp you will likely hear more definition and detail as the source is improved, but will also likely have some diminishment of macrodynamics if the stock cord is put back on the amp.

Now, consider; if you hear that change, then what of an entire loom, an entire system of cabling influencing the components and speakers? Uh, huh. You need to make up for lost time, my friend! :)
Doug and Don,

The problem is that our ears can trick us. Look at the systems on audiogon and it doesn't take long to find systems with every tweak in the book employed. Nobody wants to be a sucker. I do have an upgraded power cord for my amp, but I spent less than $100 for it so I figured, it can't hurt. But some people spend thousands. I just think everyone should balance common sense with listening assessments. For me, if the product fails the common sense test, I don't necessarily rule it out, but I sure as hell limit my spending to the budget arena. And make no mistake, power cords fail the common sense test. Any audiophile that refuses to beleive that his ears can trick him is going to find himself separated from a lot of money with dubious results.
"I'm the biggest cable skeptic on the planet"

Sorry, that title is already taken!!
I have some mod priced power cords scattered throughout my system, I though I found nice improvement with them and did not give them much more thought untill I had the oppertunity to demo Stealth v-10 dream cords.
These are a totally different animal... my system became cleaner, clearer... even with my powerline conditerior I never experenced the sound improvement that I have with these.
That is the good news now for the bad, they are very expensively priced at list price you could buy a good preamp or more!!!