What About Loom Theory?

Can someone please direct me to information regarding loom theory? I've seen it referred to a number of times on AudiogoN—people saying they endorse it and so on—, but no one seems to say what it is.

If you know the loom theory, would you please articulate it or direct me to somewhere where this theory is articulated?


I think you misread it. It's not loom, but looney theory. It's basic premise is that if you do it once, do it multiple times in order to achieve greater synergy. It only applies to cables. For instance, if you have a power cable, then have your interconnects and and your speaker cables by the same manufacturer. I strongly caution you that this theory doesn't apply to any other components but cables. For instance, there's far more synergy to be gained by mixing and matching preamps to different manufacturers' power amps. Also, never have the same brand loudspeakers as you do power amps. It really is looney.
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Assuming you are referring to use of cables and power cords from a single manufacturer, as Onhwy61 inferred, see this thread. The thread initially focused just on power cords, but eventually broadened in scope to address all cables.

As is usual in audio, there was no consensus.

-- Al