HiDiamond Speaker Cables

Does anyone have experience with the upper end of HiDiamond speakers cables? I'm looking into the HD 7 or HD 8. After recently becomming a believer of their power cables I'm thinking of taking a plunge to their speaker cables to match.
@Joncourage, there is a used pair of HD7's on the Gon from Wig. maybe try those...
Hifial: Did you get your HD7's yet? Curious on your thoughts.

Bacardi/Sabai: I would love to know your description of the the HD8's sound. For me, I found the power cables gave a unique feel of musical emotion to the recordings that I was never aware was even present. I'm wondering if the SC's would further amplify that. I really wish they offered some kind of money back guarantee, at least of their higher priced items. Would make life a lot easier.
The HD8's give the same "being-there" feeling that all HiDiamonds do in my system. But I enhance the effect by running all my cables in series so my system is a-typical.
Sabai: What do you mean by "running all your cables in series". Meaning you have the full loom?
For instance: I run speaker cables in series -- Cardas and HiDiamond. But I splice them into SR speaker cells in series with Bybee GG speaker bullets. If I try to take out the speaker cells they go back in fast -- unlike the SR interconnect cells that were sold off. Running cables and "tweaks" in series is trial and error. It has taken me 7 years to figure this out and it is still a work in progress. When you find combinations that work there is no going back. The ears tell all -- defying all the audio theories.