HiDiamond Speaker Cables

Does anyone have experience with the upper end of HiDiamond speakers cables? I'm looking into the HD 7 or HD 8. After recently becomming a believer of their power cables I'm thinking of taking a plunge to their speaker cables to match.
@Fplanner2000, I pleasantly got rid of my S.R Powercell 10SE and now researching the PS Audio P5. I have an Integrated tube, Oppo 95, HD P3 to my subwoofer and a QLS 6 with an HD P3 to a Teslaplex SE(wall). Would the PS Audio P5 be enough for my whole system? What are the differences from the P10 to P5- just two more outlets?
B- P5 would probably be enough, but a P-10 would be better. I think its better made than the p-5 and its also much quieter since it doesn't use an internal fan, due to its heatsinks. With the P-10 you will also have more headroom which is important to system dynamics as well as future expansion. Those extra outlets are "hi-power" outlets, not just regular ones.

With my system, I discovered at IDLE each side was drawing between 500-550 watts. I have 1 P-10 for each side and not only did the system get quieter due to reduced THD (from .4% in to .02% out) but micro-details as well as dynamics actually improved.

I would get the p-10 - no question. You might then be able to lose the QLS 6. In addition, the real world price difference is not as large as you might think between it and the p-5, especially if you contact my buddy Walter at Underwood HiFi and tell him I sent you. I've bought 4 of them from him and have had no problems whatsoever. I've also discovered the HD pcs play really well together with the P-10's.

Good luck.

Thanx for the help guys. I will look forward to which one i decide on. Have any of you tried an HD power 3 or 4 on the PS Audio P-10 and what were the differences from the factory cord?
So I bit the bullet and went for the HD8's. They arrived on Friday. I'm at around 48hrs of burn in so far. Can anyone give some feedback on what to expect from further burn in time? I'm told these need a good 500hrs which seems a little excessive.