Power chord for Jadis D50Signature

Hello, I am wondering if any good power cable (Siltech or Black Mamba for example) would make a substantial difference or not to the sound of my Jadis...anybody have tried that?
Thanks a lot
I own a Jadis DA-60 and have always used high quality PCs but not A vs B tested chords. I use good copper and thats worked really well.. I have experimente4d with silver over copper designs which work well too. The point is that the quality of the amp shows no matter what chord I tried. I will be interested in your findings but will likely not spend a tom I just don't spend a lot non PCs.
Thanks for your answer. I actually tried a Siltech and currently trying a Shunyata Black Mamba CX cable but I can't feel any major sonic difference and wondering if anyone had same experience trying with other brands of cable
It's a power "cord", not "chord". A power "chord" is something that Jimmy Page plays. Spending big bucks on a pwoer cord is not wise moeny. A Pangea for ~$70 will do just fine, thanks...
