Transparent Audio? JPS? Nordost? Kubala Sosna?

Hi fellow audiogoners!

Contemplating to buy one of the following audio interconnects: Transparent Audio's Music Link Reference, JPS's Aluminata, Nordost's Valhalla, Kubala Sosna's Emotion Series and Tara Labs' The One.

Using Tara Labs The Two now. All feedback much appreicated.

At the time of their respective arrivals, I loved them. All of them. They all seamed to be an upgrade (I bought the best for what I could afford each time). But once the left level of cables came in, it was "revolutionary". How could I have ever lived without this cable, right? It's been like that all the way up to TA Reference. I'm here to stay because they are a true syngergistic match for my Sashas and Lamm M1.2s.
Taralabs 0.8Ex will all but desamate the quality of sound of these other cables, Including the high-fidelity cable!,, The 0.8Ex is a new cable, A revision of the already good 0.8 cable, I have the Taralabs, The one, Its a great cable,, I also have the Taralabs zero gold, omega gold, Game over!
As it is with anything, tastes vary and, therefore, opinions vary. There is no best. We each operate out of our own perspectives and paradigms. And as varied as there are people, is as varied as there are opinions. And when you add to that the many manifestations of systems out there, it becomes impossible to say what cable will desamate another without testing various cables in the very same system. Synergy is everything. I'm glad you're enamored with your cables. That is always the goal when spending money, at least in this hobby. That tells me it was money well spent. What equipment are your cables tying together? Until I try this cable, which is not in the foreseeable future - as I'm currently on honeymoon with TA - I'm not sure anyone can declare with any measure of certainty if that statement be true. Happy Listening?
I can tell you with confidence, there is few out there that can even come close to the taralabs zero gold and omega gold, no high-fidelity, system dependency, not even the mighty nordost odin!, live with these cables a couple of months, you then will have no resavations!, Happy listening!